2SLGBTQIA+ Caucus Chair - Madison Hanson

Hi, I’m Madison Hanson (she/her) a 1st year BScN student at the University of Ottawa. I have worked in healthcare for 12 years, in various positions such as community housing for people with mental health and addictions, with the Red Cross in long term care homes during covid, and now as a person care attendant at a hospital. I have seen the dedication of nurses and support staff coming together for good care and want to continue and improve on the culture and care nurses provide. Joining the CNSA is a way I could bring 2SLGBTQIA+ representation to nursing student organizations, and to help advocate for a more inclusive curriculum with things such as gender inclusive language and education on non-cisgendered healthcare. As a trans woman I am looking forward to representing the queer nursing student community and hope to make some positive changes and help make all 2SLGBTQIA+ students and nurses feel safe and respected in this profession. Don’t feel shy sending me an email, because I am excited to connect with queer students and allies (especially BIPOC students as I have a lot to learn in unpacking colonial ways of viewing gender and sexuality) to create a community to work together and collaborate in making improvements.
