
CNSA is pleased to offer a group discount offer from UWorld. Simply submit a request for the discount, they’ll verify your CNSA membership, and then you’ll get a discount code emailed to you from UWorld


UWorld - Prix de l’AEIC 2025 - 2026

NCLEX RN - 90 Day $199

NCLEX RN - 180 Day $259

NCLEX RN - 360 Day $299

NCLEX RN - 730 Day $339

NCLEX PN - 90 Day $169

NCLEX PN - 180 Day $199

NCLEX PN - 360 Day $239

NCLEX PN - 730 Day $279


CNSA is happy to partner with The Personal insurance company. As a member of the Canadian Nursing Students' Association, you get access to the service options and expertise you need to customize your coverage, keep things simple and save time. We believe it’s why 97% of our clients renew with us each year.

To learn more about how you could benefit from The Personal and their partnership with us, or to sign up for their insurance, visit CNSA’s Personal page here.

The Personal

Link not working? You can also access this offer by going to www.thepersonal.com, click Offers, and then type in Canadian Nursing Students’ Association.

Canadian Nursing Students' Association (CNSA) is pleased to introduce SAVE phone plans for all CNSA members. Operated by Sydian Group and powered by Rogers, Sydian provides Telecom Expense Management (TEM) to users in order to provide the best possible prices with the highest level of service.

Check out the discounts available with the link below:


Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada

Les modules d'apprentissage du Code de déontologie des infirmières et infirmiers autorisés sont disponibles en ligne au prix de 9,95 $ pour les étudiantes en sciences infirmières!

Pour accéder au rabais étudiant, utilisez le code promotionnel «NURSINGSTUDENT» pour les modules du code d'éthique.

Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada, Alliance mondiale pour l'éducation permanente et Conseil international des infirmières

Cours d'apprentissage sur une variété de sujets de santé, y compris la reconnaissance des problèmes de santé mentale courants, l'avenir du leadership dans les soins de santé, les erreurs et les soins palliatifs. Chacun des cours de développement professionnel est disponible en ligne, au prix de 9,95 $ pour les étudiantes en sciences infirmières!

Vous devrez saisir manuellement le code promotionnel «WCEASTUDENT» à la caisse pour obtenir le prix étudiant réduit pour chaque cours.

Des descriptions sur la façon d'accéder à tous les cours sont disponibles dans le lien ci-dessous.

Modules de développement professionnel

CACCN Complimentary Student Registration

The Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) is offering a complimentary one-year student membership (valued at $55) to undergraduate nursing students. This is a great chance to expand your professional network, gain access to valuable resources, and enhance your learning experience in critical care nursing.

Benefits of CACCN Student Membership:

➢ Professional Development

➢ Volunteering & leadership opportunities on ad hoc committees, national committees, and chapter leadership teams.

➢ Webinars – 2 per month

➢ Continuing Learning Hours

➢ Certification resources

➢ Canadian Journal of Critical Care NursingTM

➢ Access to expert clinicians

➢ Standards Critical Care Nursing Practice (6th Ed)

➢ Position statements and Practice Guidelines

➢ Career Opportunities through Dynamic Career Connections and JobLINKs

➢ Networking and peer community

➢ News Flash and Critical Connections E-news bulletin monthly

➢ Survey/study invitations

How to Register for Free:

  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria**

  • Visit CACCN New Member Registration and select "New Member" (do not process payment).

  • Email caccn@caccn.ca with confirmation of your undergraduate student status (e.g., enrollment verification).

This is a limited-time opportunity, so don’t miss out! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to CACCN at caccn@caccn.ca

** Student nurse in an accredited professional nursing program who is not currently licensed as a registered nurse. Non-voting registration. May hold office at the chapter executive level and may serve on national committees but may not hold a National Board position.

NOTE Graduate nurses holding a registered nursing license do not qualify for student registration.