
“How to Conference” video guide

Curious as to how other attendees dress sharp and professional for CNSA conferences? Want to prepare more to participate in National Assembly? Check out what we put together and watch this video!

See what is included in the smart casual dress code, how to motion, who can vote, points of order, how to make an amendment, and more!


Research Literacy for Health and Community Practice

In its second edition, Research Literacy for Health and Community Practice introduces students to fundamental research concepts that will enable them to think critically about research and recognize effective methods for understanding and utilizing research for practice. Thoroughly updated, this new edition features content on Indigenous knowledge and research, including contributions by two Indigenous scholars, and offers additional examples of qualitative and quantitative designs, updated content on literature reviews, as well as new exercises and examples throughout to broaden the scope to different care providers in health, community services, and other related fields.

Rather than outlining methods for conducting research, this textbook teaches basic skills for engaging with research literature, including how to frame and organize knowledge, interpret and evaluate evidence using qualitative and quantitative approaches, distinguish between research and other forms of information, and use this evidence in practice settings. Offering a wealth of exercises, recommended readings, online resources, and learning activities, this textbook satisfies the need for practical, beginner-level resources in research literacy courses across health studies disciplines.

To find details on how to purchase this textbook, you can reference the poster for the 2nd Edition textbook here.


Diversity Embracement Project: An Anti-Racism Initiative

About the Project:

The Diversity Project: An Anti-Racism Initiative was a Canada-wide research project funded by the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (2021-2022). The data which was collected in this project was published as an open-source report with the title “Racism in nursing schools: Canadian undergraduate registered nursing, practical nursing, and psychiatric nursing students’ perspectives.”

This project aimed to understand the patterns and levels of racism that nursing students from registered nursing, practical nursing, and psychiatric nursing programs have experienced or witnessed in nursing schools and their practice partner sites across Canada. In this project, Q.R codes were handed out that let participants access the survey from online in all nursing schools across Canads that are members of the CNSA to identify the themes of experiences nursing students had in racism.

The information gathered in this project was published as an open-source report for nursing school personnel with the hope of inspiring leaders to fight racism in nursing schools across the country.