Psychiatric Nursing Director - Mackinlee Brisbin

Mackinlee Brisbin (she/her) is currently a second-year student in the Psychiatric Nursing Advanced Diploma program at Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Regina, SK. Before this, she had completed a degree in Therapeutic Recreation. Mackinlee is enthusiastic and passionate about merging her love for accessibility and advocacy into her future career as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN). She recently got the chance to attend the CNSA national conference in January and took the opportunity to become more actively involved. With the encouragement of her classmate, she ran for the position of Psychiatric Nursing Director and was elected. She hopes to work in a community mental health setting or a mental health setting with a geriatric population following the completion of her program in December.

As the Psychiatric Nursing Director, Mackinlee is dedicated to promoting the representation and visibility of RPN students and Psychiatric Nursing as a profession on a national level. She aims to advocate for the inclusion of No.24 of the TRC Calls to Action and an increase in the depth of Indigenous health/history in the Psychiatric Nursing curriculum in Canada. Additionally, she is committed to promoting the recognition of mental health and addictions as crucial health issues in Canada.