NNSW // SNEI November 2021 Novembre
NNSW / SNEI - By: Director of Membership Development
What does this theme entail? “Beyond” focuses on the world of nursing and healthcare outside of Canada
Who are they and where are they from? Not all of our speakers are finalized yet, but we will be having speakers spanning different continents. With speakers from Austria and the Philippines, I’m sure we will be far Beyond our Canadian Borders!
This is a virtual conference that will be utilizing the Whova Conference platform. This platform is great for finding and chatting with fellow nursing students, speakers, and members of the BOD. Did I mention the tickets are free?
The Good Stuff
Instragram - Make sure you are following the @nnsw_snei instagram page to stay up-to-date on the latest info!
Competition! If you like competition as much as I do, this is the conference for you. The more you engage and complete tasks on the Whova platform and social media, the higher your points will be. And everyone will see who the real competitor is.
Engagement - The Whova platform includes discussion boards and the opportunity to start private conversations with all the attendees. This is a great opportunity to make new friends!
PRIZES!! What competition doesn’t include prizes??? Winners of the leaderboard contest will get to choose from an assortment of goodies hand-picked just for you!