Safety & Wellness Advocate - Keirsten Smith

Hello all, I’m Keirsten, and I am a Bachelor of Science in Nursing student at the University of Windsor, and I am grateful to be learning, working, and living on the Traditional Territory of the Three Fires Confederacy of First Nations, which includes the Objiwa, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi peoples. 

Nursing, to me, incorporates the aspects of theoretical knowledge, learned and gained experience, education and advocacy, as well as compassionate care. To understand the human condition as a health care professional and be able to connect, educate, and advocate for the promotion of health and well-being is why I have and continue to strive to become a better nursing student, leader, advocate, and eventually - registered nurse.

I have been a student for a while and have had a non-traditional path (second career) and experience (health care work related injury) as it relates to my nursing career. In addition, my personal experiences (injury and diagnoses), educational participation (committees and societies), and professional memberships (Sigma, RNAO) have generated interest and passion for safety, psychological and social well-being, as well as advocacy and awareness. Hence, I join the CNSA to advocate for the safety and wellness of each nursing student and their own unique path through nursing school and within the nursing profession.

Outside of nursing school, you can find me participating in leadership and advocacy initiatives, reading or painting, traveling and exploring, as well adventuring outdoors with my partner and dog Otis.

I am here to support you; feel free to connect with me at any time